May 22

A horrible photo but, used to illustrate advantages of ski cutting for stability testing.

figure 8

It snowed close to a foot, beginning yesterday.

That snow shrunk, with day time heating and a rising snow line to 8"+-.

Brighton to Sunset peak(ran into another old duffer),

bruce e

Wolverine bowl, Stupid chute, Figure 8 hill and Millicent bowl, GazX line.

Snow was wll behaved till the Figure 8 hill, where ski cutting produced a sluff. Initiated a couple more cutting rollovers on the Millie descent. Old-new bonding, loosened by warming.


Snow stability dependent on new snow amount, elevation, aspect and temperature. Winds early in the storm from the northwest scoured upper elevation exposed aspects. Drifts of up to around a foot were found on the lee side. Most instabilities should settle quickly with mild temperatures leaving localized areas of active wind drifts. Day time heating would be the primary concern as was evident, today.

As usual, ski cutting starting zones and rollovers is recommended.

The effects of heating can be easily checked with a quick hand pit.

BCC creek was raging.


I stopped around Storm mountain for a photo

ragin 2

or two.

